Lenore Gale, Vice President Internal at CUPE 2424, works at the Sprott School of Business as the Professional Development and Graduate Internship Coordinator where she provides career support for graduate business students. She’s been working at Carleton for almost 8 years, after graduating from the Master of Business Administration program at Sprott.

Lenore first joined CUPE 2424 as VP External in 2019 before moving in to the VP Internal role in 2021. Her interest in the union comes from the same place that her interest in career services comes from, a passion for helping people have career success and happiness in their workplaces. This arose from her personal experience struggling to find meaningful and sustainable work after her undergraduate degree due to the recession at the time. That experience made her want to help others both overcome struggles in finding stable and satisfying work and to advocate for better workplaces.

Lenore also has a background in the arts as a visual artist, and is President of the Board of Directors of Arts Network Ottawa – an arts service organization that has provided resources, opportunities, and advocacy for the arts community in Ottawa for over 35 years. This role allows her to develop leadership skills in leading an organization that supports the career development and success of artists.

Shaundel Dottin-Agim is the Vice President External at CUPE 2424 and the Recruitment Events Coordinator in the Undergraduate Recruitment Office. In this role, she oversees large scale events aimed at attracting prospective undergraduate students.

An alumna of Carleton University, Shaundel has also completed the Master Certificate Program in the Management of Workplace Mental Health and Psychological Safety, as well as the Workplace Mental Health Leadership Certificate Program. Her background in these areas has allowed her to understand and help strengthen psychologically healthy work environments.

Throughout her 25 years with CUPE 2424, Shaundel has undertaken diverse roles, including Zone Representative, Grievance Committee member, Joint Health and Safety Committee participant, and Chair of the Communications Committee. Additionally, she actively contributes as a founding member of the Racial Justice Committee (RJC), where she organizes communication initiatives, and she is a member of the Jobs Committee. Her advocacy focuses on amplifying the voices of marginalized individuals, emphasizing her commitment to promoting inclusivity.

Outside of her involvement with CUPE 2424 and Carleton University, Shaundel is active in a variety of volunteer roles in her community.

Sherri Sunstrum, Recording Officer at CUPE 2424, is a Carleton University Library Subject/Cartographic specialist. Sherri has been at Carleton University for 24 years and has volunteered with CUPE 2424 in different capacities across 22 years!

Sherri’s passion for equality, fairness, and social justice shows through her volunteer work with CUPE 2424. She believes the local plays a crucial role in the wellbeing of our members.

Outside of her involvement with CUPE 2424 and Carleton University, Sherri is interested in Aerial fitness and burlesque.

Margaret Tannahill-Wade, Zone 8 officer, is the School Administrator at Carleton University’s School of Mathematics and Statistics. Margaret has been at Carleton University for 20 years and has volunteered with CUPE 2424 for 15 years!

Care, compassion, and support in the workplace have been foundational to Margaret’s experience at Carleton University. She is passionate about helping others so they can give their best and receive their best from their careers on campus. She puts these values into practice as a CUPE 2424 volunteer and also in her role as School Administrator.

Margaret’s strong sense of justice and fairness aligns with CUPE 2424’s values. CUPE 2424 provides opportunities for agency for the whole membership through the collective agreement and for individual members through representation.

Outside of her involvement with CUPE 2424 and Carleton University, Margaret participates in several research studies through the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (since 2012) and the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (since 2020).