Bill 124 Renegotiation Bulletins


November 13, 2019

Bill 124 – An Act to implement moderation measures in respect of compensation in Ontario’s public sector

Bill 124, the wage restraint legislation introduced by the Ford government in Ontario, received Royal Assent and was proclaimed on November 8, 2019. This means that the legislation is now an Act and is binding on workers in the public sector in Ontario, including colleges and universities. The Act will have a significant impact on Unions negotiating Collective Agreements.

The main purpose of the wage restraint legislation is to restrict parties from negotiating over a 1% compensation cap for three years.  Compensation is defined as anything paid or provided for the benefit of an employee and includes salary, benefits and allowances.

Many aspects of the Act are still unclear and have yet to be clarified with a policy framework. We continue to receive updates and advice regarding interpretation of the Act and possible impacts on bargaining and will provide you with more information as we progress toward our next round of bargaining in 2020.

February 12, 2024

CUPE 2424 is pleased that the Ontario Court of Appeal has upheld the lower court’s decision that the Ford Government’s Bill 124, “Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act,” is unconstitutional.

Bill 124 was legislation enacted by the Ford government in 2019, restricting public sector wage and benefits increases to 1% per year for a three-year moderation period.

CUPE 2424 negotiated “re-opener” language in a Letter of Understanding with Carleton in 2020. This Letter of Understanding would allow the Union to renegotiate salary increases for 2020-2023 should the legislation be overturned in the courts. Renegotiation is conditional upon all possible appeals being exhausted.

We are currently seeking counsel with CUPE National regarding the next steps and will provide an update as soon as possible.

February 28, 2024

Bill 124 (the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 12) was repealed by the Government of Ontario on Friday, February 23.

CUPE 2424 has now issued official notice to the Employer declaring our intent to renegotiate wage percentage increases retroactively for the last contract period 2020-2023 as required under the Letter of Understanding (Appendix R) between the parties.

We look forward to the Employer’s response with respect to possible bargaining dates. As per the LOU, the Parties must begin to meet within 30 days of receipt of notice.

The Union will continue to update members on the status of renegotiations and will provide opportunities to address questions as more information becomes available.

Please note that many questions with respect to the implementation of a negotiated settlement will only be answerable closer to, or even after a tentative agreement, and we thank you for your patience in advance.

April 26, 2024

We are delighted to announce that the CUPE 2424 Executive Board has appointed the members of our Bill 124 Negotiating Team for the upcoming round of bargaining:

  • Jerrett Clark (President – CUPE 2424)
  • Shaundel Dottin-Agim (VP External, Racial Justice, Jobs Committees – CUPE 2424, Undergraduate Recruitment)
  • Lenore Gale (VP Internal – CUPE 2424, Sprott School of Business)
  • Taylor Kociszewski (CUPE National)
  • Karen Martin (Zone Officer – CUPE 2424, Undergraduate Admissions)
  • Erenia Hernandez Oliver (Zone Officer – CUPE 2424, Computer Science)

Your Bill 124 negotiating team is gearing up for bargaining. The first confirmed dates with the Employer are May 2 and May 8. The Union and University negotiating teams are working to confirm subsequent dates for June and July.

In the meantime, we encourage you to attend the Campus United Webinar on CU Finances & Bill 124 on Tuesday, April 30th (details attached). This webinar is an important opportunity to:

  • Learn about the current funding climate
  • Hear the shared experience of having our rights as workers infringed upon under the unconstitutional Bill 124 provincial wage-suppression legislation
  • Show cross-campus support

Stay tuned for more Bill 124 mobilizing events and activities as we gear up to launch our Sweeten the Deal campaign in May. 1%, 1%, 1% was a bitter pill to swallow.

The Union will continue to update members on the status of renegotiations and will provide opportunities to address questions as more information becomes available.

May 2, 2024

Bill 124, the provincial government’s wage suppression act which limited public sector wage and benefits increases to 1% for a period of three years was recently declared unconstitutional and has been repealed.

CUPE 2424 began re-negotiations with Carleton University today for retroactive salary increases for the period of 2020-2023 above the 1% previously negotiated under Bill 124.

The Union came prepared and tabled a proposal. However, we are disappointed that the Employer came to the table without a monetary proposal, nor did they counter our proposal. The Employer indicated plans to table a counterproposal on the next bargaining date on May 8th.

The Union and University negotiating teams are working to confirm subsequent dates for June and July. The Union will continue to update members on the status of renegotiations.

May 8, 2024

The Union met with the employer again today. We have now met over two days of renegotiations around Bill 124 which limited our wage increases to 1%/year for the period 2020-2023.  The legislation has since been declared unconstitutional and has been overturned in the courts, and our previous settlement is subject to renegotiation.

Additional dates have been confirmed for June 10, 14, and July 8.  A more fulsome update will be provided during our next general membership meeting on May 22.

May 31, 2024

Your Bill 124 negotiating team continues to work towards reaching a fair Bill 124 remedy for CUPE 2424 members. The Union met with the Employer on May 2 and May 8, and have confirmed the next bargaining dates, scheduled for June 10, June 14, and July 8.

June 14, 2024

After several days of bargaining across May and June, we are pleased to announce that CUPE 2424 and Carleton University have reached a tentative agreement to resolve Bill 124 wage renegotiations.

Further details regarding the ratification meeting and vote will be forthcoming.

If you are aware of any CUPE 2424 members who are not able to access their work email, including those on Long Term Disability (LTD), please forward this to them and ask that they email CUPE 2424 ( so that we have their contact information.

Thank you to our members and campus community for your solidarity and support during this unprecedented negotiation process.

July 8, 2024

The Employer has informed the Union that Carleton University’s Board of Governors ratified the agreement to address the Ontario government’s repeal of Bill 124.

Carleton University has indicated that Bill 124 retroactive payments will be made to CUPE 2424 members ahead of the 75-day deadline on the upcoming pay date of July 12, 2024.